HTML All The Things - Web Development, Web Design, Small Business
The adventures of Matt Lawrence and Mike Karan through the world of web development, web design, and small business management. As web development agency owners for the better part of a decade, they’ve worked with all sorts of technologies, through the rise of responsive web design, the revolution of serverless computing, and the popularity gain of many no-code tools for small business owners. They commonly discuss foundational web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - including popular frameworks and tools such as Tailwind CSS, Svelte, WordPress, Vue, and more.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
How Modern JavaScript Is Ruining the Web w/ Chris Ferdinandi
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
In this episode Matt and Mike sit down with Chris Ferdinandi to discuss the current state of JavaScript and more specifically why Chris thinks that it's ruining the web as we know it. JavaScript has exploded in popularity over the past few years and with that a rush of new developer talent has adopted the likes of JavaScript frameworks (ie React, Vue) to spin up projects quickly and easily, even if they're not that big (ie a landing page). In addition to this conversation, the trio discuss the importance of documentation, accessibility, and more!
Show Notes
Chris' Links
Go Make Things (newsletter + Chris' contact details)
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Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Web News - Windows 11 Reveal Event Recap
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
In this episode of Web News, Matt and Mike discuss the Windows 11 Reveal Event, which is hot off the presses. Recorded literally minutes after the live presentation, the duo discuss their impressions on Windows 11 and how all the new features and differences will affect their workflow for better, or for worse. More specifically the guys went over the new centered taskbar and centered start menu, widgets, the rounded corners on windows, improvements to game performance, the all-new Microsoft Store, and more!
You can watch the event for yourself here on the CNET Highlights YouTube Channel - watch now
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Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
JavaScript Right in HTML? HTMX w/ Carson
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, Matt and Mike sit down with Carson to discuss HTMX, a project that he built to help you do more with your HTML. Similar (in concept) to how TailwindCSS can extend your HTML with more CSS-like functionality, HTMX brings JavaScript-like manipulation to your HTML. The guys also discuss Carson's previous projects and go over his passion for locality of behaviour.
Show Notes
Carson's Links:
HTMX (Website | Repo)
Hyperscript Repo
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Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
The Best Way to Learn How to Code w/ Aderson Oliveira
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
In this episode Matt & Mike sit down with Aderson Oliveira to discuss his many ventures in the world of programming. Aderson brings a unique perspective to the table as a Adjunct Professor at Centennial College, his own podcast - Solo Coder, and mentoring at Brridge (and that's not all). Aderson's perspective stretches from traditional education through influencer activities and even online-only learning. This episode is packed with all the advice you could want for getting starting with programming (and even some no-code in there for you!), seeing if it's right for you, and way more!
Show NotesAderson's Links -
The Solo Coder Podcast -
The Solo Coder Group on Facebook -
Aderson on LinkedIn -
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Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Nuxt.js, Being an Open Source Maintainer w/ Alexander Lichter
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this episode, Matt and Mike sat down with Alex Lichter to discuss Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and maintaining an open source project. Nuxt.js is a very popular framework that works on top of one of Mike's specialties, Vue.js. While Vue.js is already a framework on top of JavaScript, Nuxt.js acts as another layer that helps make the developer's experiences even easier than with just Vue.js. Beyond the Vue.js talk, the guys discuss Alex's open source experience, learning all about his role as a maintainer on Nuxt.js, and discussing open source projects at length.
Alex's Links: Twitter | NuxtJS Discord (link to Tweet w/ link) | Blog
Show Notes
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Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
No, Tailwind Doesn't Suck
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this episode Matt and Mike discuss all things Tailwind including TailwindCSS, TailwindUI, and Tailwind headless components. The duo also discuss the minor "controversy" amongst the community (if you'd even call it that), about whether Tailwind is a good tool to use as it can make markup a bit messy looking, among other things. If you've ever wondered about using Tailwind then this is the episode for you!
Show Notes
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Wednesday May 26, 2021
The Truth About No-Code
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this episode Matt and Mike discuss a recent trend in the industry, no-code tools. While no-code tools may seem like they're only for non-programmers, they can be extremely useful for teams of all sizes. No-code tools can help small teams take on more work without the need to scale up, while non-tech savvy folks can try out their ideas for apps and websites which may eventually become something more down the road.
Show Notes
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Wednesday May 19, 2021
JavaScript Is the Future
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In this episode Matt and Mike discuss something that most (if not all) web developers have heard about - JavaScript. JavaScript can take your web pages to the next level with all kinds of cool animations, interactions, and more...but...if you're new to web development you may not know all the power that is behind this seemingly simplistic language. Beyond that first glance JavaScript can do all kinds of things like make mobile apps, run website backends, and even (although in its infancy) power AR and VR technologies. Come learn all about JavaScript and why it has a high potential of taking over our futures by tuning into this episode!
Show Notes
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Wednesday May 12, 2021
Level Up Your Junior Coding Skills
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
In this mystery episode, Matt quizzes Mike on how he can level up his junior coding skills after years of being a jack-of-all-trades - juggling business administration, podcast editing, client work and more. Without a stable schedule of duties to complete, Matt has fallen behind Mike a fair bit in his coding knowledge, but his knowledge across the board of running a small business have increased slowly, yet steadily. Now that the HTML All The Things website is about to be completed, it's time for Matt to try and upgrade those junior coding skills so that he can contribute more to client work and content on the new website.
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Wednesday May 05, 2021
Why Vue Is Better Than React
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
In this episode Matt and Mike discuss Vue and React, two major web development tools that promise to improve UI development in their own unique ways. However, as a bit of a twist, the duo won't just be discussing these two JavaScript frameworks/libraries, instead Mike has taken the stance that Vue is better than React and will be presenting his case throughout the episode. Let the React versus Vue wars begin!
Show Notes
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